Trying the Trend: Bright Pants

Monday, October 17, 2011

jeans: Forever 21, striped top: H&M, blazer: H&M
shoes: Simply Vera Vera Wang-Kohls, watch: Michael Kors
bracelet: Loft, necklace: Forever 21

I've been seeing people rock bright colored pant/skirts since the summer but I wasn't sure if I could pull them off. Still not sure, but I found some cute, cheap red jeans at Forever 21 that actually fit and weren't a foot too long so I went for it. Fun fact, this old stone building is a little schoolhouse which is apparently the birthplace of Flag Day. I like to think I wore red in tribute of that.

So, ridiculously red pants, yay or nay?


  1. Definitely yay. You look great in the red pants! I've been wanting to try out the bright pants thing too, but like you, I've been waiting to do it inexpensively in case it didn't work out as planned.

  2. Thanks! Yeah these were less than $20 so I figured no big loss if I never wore them again. But I think I'll keep them around for a bit!

  3. I love your bright pants! They are so cute. I have a pink pair and a blue pair, but I haven't had a chance to really wear them yet because I'm doing the 30x30 challenge.

    Forever 21 is a perfect place for cheaper pants. I have a couple pairs myself.

    Where in WI are you?

  4. Hi Kate! I'm in Milwaukee. I really want to do a 30x30 challenge but I'm waiting for the weather to regulate a bit. All this 70 one day, 40 the next is confusing me! Once it cools off for good I think I'm going to try it.

  5. Yay for sure! I've been wondering the same thanks for actually doing something about it. :) I probably won't have the guts to...


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