A Modern American Girl - Felicity Learns A Lesson

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Felicity Learns a Lesson

Felicity was always my favorite doll/character. I liked how she was a tomboy, could ride horses and wasn't quite ready to be a gentlewoman yet. At the same time, I'm pretty sure I liked the doll best because of the long red hair and floor length dresses.

So in honor of a diverse set of both tomboy and girly interests, I'm playing up the menswear inspired blazer and pants along with an edgier watch because I think Felicity would have gladly worn bright pants if she had the option. I put a floral blouse with it though, she is going to school to learn proper etiquette after all. And you better believe Felicity drinks a latte on her way to class. You think she's going to walk into Starbucks and ask for a cup of tea? I don't think so! If asked, she'd flip that cup right over and reply "Thank you, I shall take no more tea" before taking a bite of her scone and walking out the door. Probably with the national anthem playing in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, The American Girl posts are back! Hope you're feeling better!


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