September Must Have List

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's September already? Holy cats, where has the year gone? It's already starting to cool down (weather, please please stay this way and don't go back to being 90 and humid - k thanks) and I've started thinking about fall items to begin incorporating into my wardrobe. What's on my September wish list?

~ Bright pants, leather accents, and skinny jeans tucked into boots. I really want to try out the red skinny jeans look but I have yet to find a pair that isn't about 6 inches too long for my short legs.
~Infinity scarves. I was searching for the perfect one last year but wasn't able to find what I was looking for. I can't knit, so the search continues.
~I am lusting after that wrap watch. I actually have plans to make my own if I can find a good watch face. I've checked about 4 craft/bead stores and they're harder to find than I anticipated!
~Fall blazers. Maybe it comes from being a History major, but I always love the nerdy librarian professor look for back to school. Elbow patches are awesome and bow ties are cool.
~Stripes, bows, and chambray. I'm also still on the hunt for the perfect chambray shirt and I want to layer these blouses under chunky sweaters and crisp blazers.

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