Under $25 Gift Guide: The Geek

Friday, December 7, 2012

Don't know your Star Trek from your Star Wars but have a friend/boyfriend/coworker who's obsessed? As a huge geek myself, I can assure you that these gifts are right up a fan's alley.

Perfect for: any geek, but find out which fandom they're part of first! (I've labeled the fandoms for those who aren't sure what any of this means.) 

1. Geek Wisdom Book (Barnes and Noble, $11.15)
2. Easy as Pie Pizza Cutter (Modcloth, $19.99)
3. Bazinga T-Shirt (ThinkGeek.com, $18.99)  - Big Bang Theory
4. Han Solo Ice Cube Tray (ThinkGeek.com, $9.99)  - Star Wars
5. 10th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver (ThinkGeek.com, $19.99)  - Dr. Who
6. Enterprise Bottle Opener (ThinkGeek.com, $19.99)  - Star Trek
7. Vader's Dark Side Roast Coffee (ThinkGeek.com, $14.99)  - Star Wars

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