Modern American Girl - Felicity Saves the Day

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Felicity Saves the Day

I changed it up this week and decided not to do the dress on the cover. Frankly, I think it's rather boring. It's a white dress with a sash and a straw hat which isn't as exiting as the hunter green wool riding habit with gold trim and a jaunty tri-corner hat! I even had a hat on here but decided it pushed the outfit over the edge into costume territory, which while awesome isn't the look we're going for so I took it out. This look says 'jump on your horse and ride through the English Colonial American countryside and rescue your dad's apprentice who you would so be into if you were a few years older.' (Did anyone else think that when Felicity got older she and Ben should have dated/courted? No? Oh, well uh ok then). I really want that jacket in real life though. I do love me some plaid.


  1. I just bought a jacket similar to that one! But it's brown and get this...has ELBOW patches. It's nerdy, and I love it. I feel very "professorial" in it.

  2. Ditto on the jacket. PS: I'm finally catching up on these...but I've been so pleased with the idea. Not sure why, but it's definitely captured my imagination.

  3. Thanks Claudia! I don't know why, but I just love doing these. I think it makes me happy remembering my childhood or something.


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