I need to make this again. NOW.

Monday, May 23, 2011

First of all, drool:

This is not my picture. This is from Joy the Baker  where I found this amazing recipe for cinnamon-sugar pull apart bread. My pictures don't look that nice, but then again I was cooking this at 10 pm with no natural lighting or photography skills. But I bet mine tasted just as good!

This was quite a process because technically it's bread that has to, you know, rise and stuff which I've never tried before. So I mixed up the dough and set it aside for an hour to do its thing.

Then after it doubled in size I dumped it out on the table and looked at how cute it was.

Then I rolled it out, slathered it in deliciously unhealthy browned butter and dumped a truckload of cinnamon and sugar on it.

Then I cut it into 6 strips, layered those on top of each other, and cut it into 6 again to make squares. I may have eaten one of the squares raw. It was incredible.

Then I layered the pieces in a bread pan and made the picture look cool with my instagram ap on my phone. I almost died smelling it bake in the oven.

It finally came out of the oven, literally exploding with goodness. Ok so I guess it was only overflowing, not technically exploding, but it could have been! Somehow I restrained myself to eating only one piece and took the rest with me down to Iowa a few weeks ago when I visited Lindsay.  Yeah, I've been meaning to post this for a while.

Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread Recipe 

P.S. Yes I did just post this after a healthy eating post. Because I'm all about striking a balance. And not denying myself delicious food.

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